Let the games begin.
Geektopia welcomes all geeks, nerds, Marvel heroes, DC fans, trolls, dwarves, elves, and others.
Geektopia was set up due to the needs of board game players. After COVID, board games flourished and helped create a space where people could come together, reconnect, and play games face-to-face. Board games bring back the social aspects of community that had been missing and are now being reborn.
That's why we at Geektopia have taken time, trouble, and effort to draw together a collection of games and memorabilia, to reintroduce gaming to a new generation and provide a revival for the older generations.
We will endeavor to provide you with all your gaming needs now and in the future (unless you are a Doctor Who fan in which case, we can do it in the past) please let us know what we can do for you in order to increase your enjoyment of board gaming.